Linker Binding Site Selection and Design

* Please be kindly noted that our services and products can only be used for research to organizations or companies and not intended for any clinical or individuals.

PROTACs provides a new way for therapeutic intervention by selectively degrading pathogenic proteins by using cell quality control mechanism. However, the success of PROTAC depends on careful molecular engineering, in which the design and selection of linker sites are very important. The difference of the binding sites of target protein ligand and E3 ligase ligand has significant effects on the binary binding affinity, terpolymer complex conformation, physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of PROTAC. For example, MDM2-PROTACs utilizing Nutlin-3a as a binding ligand degrade cIAP1 by inducing self-ubiquitination in addition to degrading the target protein AR. In order to overcome self-ubiquitination, the binding site of the MDM2 ligand replaces the ester group with an amide group, resulting in a PROTAC that has no effect on cIAP1. BOC Sciences provides professional linker site selection and design services to meet the unique needs of researchers and developers in PROTAC field.

What are linker binding sites?

As a chain structure, the linker in PROTACs makes the target protein and E3 ubiquitin ligase close in space and time, which makes it possible for the target protein to be ubiquitinated and then degraded. The linker must be carefully designed to ensure the best interaction kinetics without affecting the stability, specificity and overall efficacy of PROTAC. The key of this design process is to select the appropriate linker sites on the target protein and E3 ligase ligands.

Importance of linker binding sites

Target binding and efficacy: The position where the linker connects with the ligand determines the spatial arrangement and direction of PROTAC molecules. The optimal ligation position can ensure correct alignment and binding with target protein and E3 ligase, thus enhancing the efficacy of PROTAC.

Selectivity and specificity: Accurate selection of linker sites can significantly affect the selectivity of PROTAC to its target protein, minimize off-target effect and reduce potential side effects.

Stability and solubility: The chemical properties of linker and its binding point will affect the overall stability and solubility of PROTAC molecules. Proper design can enhance the stability of molecules in biological systems and improve their pharmacokinetic characteristics.

The changes of linker and E3 ligase ligand binding sites will affect the metabolic stability of PROTACFig. 1 Effect of linker binding site of PROTAC on metabolic stability.

Our comprehensive services

Our linker site selection and design services are rooted in a thorough understanding of chemical biology, structural biology and medicinal chemistry. We provide end-to-end support and design linkers to maximize the therapeutic potential of PROTAC candidate drugs.

Structural analysis and modeling

This process begins with detailed structural analysis and molecular modeling. The three-dimensional structures of target protein and E3 ligase were carefully analyzed by using crystallographic data, NMR research and advanced calculation tools. Potential binding hotspots and spatial interactions will guide the determination of suitable attachment points of linkers.

Optimal binding site selection

The sites linked by linker will affect the degradation activity and even the selectivity. The attachment site of POI ligand and E3 ligase ligand is generally in the region where the ligand is exposed to solvent. The binding site is usually connected by amide bond, carbon atom or heteroatom (such as O, N, etc.), and the binding is realized by condensation reaction or nucleophilic substitution reaction. We use proprietary algorithms and software to predict the best linker binding sites. The software evaluates various variables, including but not limited to protein surface accessibility, electronic properties and noncovalent interactions potential. This detailed analysis ensures that we can accurately locate the junction sites that are most promising for improving the efficacy of PROTAC.

The general selection principles of binding site are as follows: 1) The binding capacity between E3 ligase ligand or POI ligand and its receptor is not reduced; 2) selecting the solvent exposure area of the ligand binding pocket; 3) try to ensure the integrity of POI ligand when connecting linker, so as to avoid its binding ability being affected.

Custom linker design

After selecting the binding site of the linker, we will design the corresponding linker according to your specific PROTAC bracket. Factors such as the length, rigidity and flexibility of the linker and the existence of functional groups that can form hydrogen bonds or electrostatic interactions are carefully optimized. Our design strategy gives priority to maintaining the balance between the structural robustness of the linker and the dynamic flexibility required for effective protein targeting and degradation.

Synthesis and verification

Then we synthesized the designed linker and verified its performance through rigorous in vitro experiments. Our verification scheme includes binding affinity test, cell-based degradation analysis and ADME characteristic evaluation. Through the iterative cycle of synthesis and testing, we fine-tune the binding to achieve the expected therapeutic effect.

Data-driven improvement

Our team constantly integrates the feedback of experimental results into the design process. By using machine learning algorithm to analyze performance data, we improved the linker configuration to improve efficiency and selectivity.

Our service advantages

  • Advanced equipment and technique
  • Experienced scientific team
  • Customized solutions
  • Enhanced efficacy and selectivity
  • One-stop service


1. What is the importance of linker binding sites in PROTAC design?

The linker binding sites in PROTAC design are crucial as they determine the spatial and functional connectivity between the target protein and the E3 ligase. Proper selection and design of these sites ensure effective formation of the ternary complex, which is essential for the successful ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of the target protein.

2. How does your service aid in selecting the optimal linker binding sites?

Our service employs a comprehensive approach that includes in-depth target protein analysis, E3 ligase profiling, computational modeling, and experimental validation. We analyze the structural and dynamic properties of the target protein, assess the compatibility with various E3 ligases, and use advanced computational tools to predict the most effective linker binding sites.

3. What technologies and methodologies do you use in linker design?

We utilize a combination of computational modeling, molecular dynamics simulations, docking studies, and structure-activity relationship (SAR) analysis. Our approach is supported by experimental techniques such as in vitro assays, proteomics analysis, and biophysical methods like surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC).

4. How do you ensure the designed PROTACs are effective?

Effectiveness is ensured through rigorous experimental validation. We test the designed PROTACs in cell-based assays to evaluate their efficacy in degrading the target protein. Proteomics analysis is employed to confirm target degradation and assess off-target effects, while biophysical techniques validate the binding interactions.

5. Can your service be customized for specific projects?

Yes, our linker binding sites selection and design service is highly customizable. We tailor our approach based on the specific needs and objectives of each project, from target protein analysis to linker design and experimental validation.

6. How can I get started with your linker binding sites selection and design service?

To get started, you can contact our team through our website or directly via email or phone. We will arrange an initial consultation to discuss your project needs and objectives, following which we will provide a tailored proposal outlining our approach, timelines, and costs.

7. What information do I need to provide to initiate a project?

To initiate a project, we typically require information about the target protein, any existing data on potential binding sites, desired E3 ligases, and specific project goals. During the initial consultation, we will guide you on the detailed requirements and gather all necessary information to kickstart the project.

8. Do you offer follow-up support after project completion?

Yes, we offer follow-up support to ensure the successful application of our designs. This includes assistance with further optimization, additional validation studies, and addressing any queries or challenges that may arise during subsequent development phases.

* PROTAC® is a registered trademark of Arvinas Operations, Inc., and is used under license.

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